Citing Electronic Sources
Click here for a basic template
for electronic citations
Citing materials from electronic sources should be no different than
from traditional printed sources.
Two related qualities are essential:
Any bibliographic reference should provide the information your reader
needs to return to the exact source that you used in your research.
In order to reduce ambiguity and the possibility of error, you should follow
a standard format in all your citations. Some useful models can be
found at these websites:
list of Style Manuals
provides hot-links to several sources of guides and templates for citation
templates; see also the Lauinger Newsletter
for May 1997
References & Scholarly Citations of Internet Resources."
compilation by Anita Greenhill, Griffith University, Australia
Style Guides
this link also gets you a wide range of MLA guidelines
Electronic Information in History Papers"
specifically designed for historians; provides not only templates for citations
from a wide variety of sources, but also explores some of the methodological
problems involved in using electronic resources