Department of History
History of China á ¤¯ ¢Ž ë   (HIST 122/123-01)
Chinese Language Guide for New Students
updated: 10 Jan 02

This Guide provides some technical orientation on using the Chinese language for all students in the course, particularly those with no prior background in Chinese studies.  Treat this Guide as a reference work for help in dealing with Chinese names and dates and general problems of transliteration.  Since the course is intended as a basic introduction to Chinese history, no previous knowledge about China is expected or presumed.



In using the generic term "Chinese," we are referring to the language common to the northern part of the country and which has been adopted as a national standard by the government[s] of China (even though Cantonese, Fukienese, etc., have equal claim to be called "Chinese").  This language is often called in the West "Mandarin Chinese" (i.e., the language of the bureaucracy), a reasonable translation for the imperial-period term guanhua • È .  Today it is known as the "national language" (kuo-yü ¤¯ ô ) on Taiwan and "common speech" (putonghua ²ô „ì È ) on the Mainland.

In dealing with Chinese, you will have to face two areas of difficulty:

Transliteration systems

At present, there are two major (and several minor) systems used in the English-speaking world for transliterating Chinese into our Latin alphabet.(1)

Also, there are two other systems with which you may come in contact:

In addition:

What are you to make of all this complexity?  For this course, I ask merely that you:

  1. be aware that all these different systems exist, but forget about all of them except for both Wade-Giles and Pinyin;

  3. bear in mind that these systems are merely different conventions for representing the same thing; e.g., that the 20th-century author ¯í ƒ Lu Hsün [WG] is really the same person as Lu Xun [PY];

  5. choose either of these systems for your own writing and be consistent in using it; and

  7. be sensitive to the fact that in China there is a political dimension even to language.  Since the Pinyin system is the creation of the People's Republic, it is not generally used (but is now at least acceptable) on Taiwan, where the governing authorities prefer to keep the more "traditional" Wade-Giles system.
For all the materials distributed in this class (term sheets, exams, etc.), the convention will be to give all names in Wade-Giles transliteration, followed by a Pinyin transliteration in brackets; for example: Mao Tse-tung[ M†o Z‡dƒng†„ ¯¯ ² ].


Names of places:

All of the transliteration problems mentioned above apply in the naming of places, with the additional factor that in the 19th century the Imperial Maritime Customs, which also handled postal functions, published a Gazetteer which "standardized" the spelling of place-names, usually according to local pronunciations.  Thus, the standard spelling of city-names like Kowloon [Chiu-lung / Jiulong / “¾ ²’ ], Canton [Kuang-chou / Guangzhou / ­Ð ú• ], Kiukiang [Chiu-chiang / Jiujiang / “¾ ƒŽ ], and Wusih [Wu-hsi / Wuxi / —¿ ™ù  ] reflects a regional dialect rather than a uniform transliteration system.

There are also cases where the Chinese name of a city itself represents an attempt to transcribe a name from one of the "minority" languages (e.g., "Wu-lu-mu-ch'i / Wulumuqi" for Urumchi).

Names of persons:

Reflecting the traditional importance of the family unit over its individual members, one's family name is always written first in China, followed by one's personal name.(3) Usually, family names, or hsing [xing] have only one character, while personal names, or    ‘   ming-tzu [mingzi] have two.

Of course, there are exceptions.  Some family names are written with two-character compounds.  In such cases, the individual usually has a single character for a personal name, so as not to depart from the standard three-character total.  Examples would be the renowned historians ƒñ ²ñ „Í Ssu-ma Ch'ien [Sima Qian] and ¨€ µ´ Ÿ´ Ou-yang Hsiu [Ouyang Xiu].  However, even without a compound family name, some individuals have only single-character personal names, such as the 20th-century scholar ”¬  ˆü Hu Shih [Hu Shi].

Persons not belonging to the Han ethnic majority (e.g., Mongols, Manchus, etc.) are generally referred to only by a polysyllabic personal name.  Here, you have the option of transliterating either the original pronunciation or the Chinese transcription of it.

Certain conventions have been adopted regarding the punctuation of names. In Wade-Giles, components of compounds are separated by a hyphen and only the first word is capitalized, while in Pinyin, components are joined together.  Compare the versions of four names in the following table:

Characters Wade-Giles Pinyin
“¨  § „ý  Teng Hsiao-p'ing Deng Xiaoping
ƒñ ²ñ ê  Ssu-ma Kuang Sima Guang
´ æ —æ  Chu Te Zhu De
™Õ žò ™± ®Ø  Seng-ko-lin-ch'in Senggelinqin


Names of emperors (as opposed to mere "persons"...)

To illustrate the principles involved here, let us take up the case of the man who founded the Ming dynasty in 1368:

  1. As an individual, he was a man of the Chu [Zhu] family named Yuan-chang [Yuanzhang], so according to the usual manner he would be called Chu Yuan-chang [Zh„ Yu†nzh€ng ´ €Ì ‡ã ].

  3. However, once he ascended the throne, his personal name became taboo; thenceforth, he would be referred to by his dynastic or "temple" name, or ­½ ½ ‡Ò] miao hao [miao hao]: Great Ancestor of the Ming, or Ming T'ai-tzu [M‰ng Taizu  ‹É Ú ¢È ].  According to the conventions of English usage, we would refer to him as "Emperor T'ai-tzu."

  5. In addition, his reign-period was given a felicitous appellation or "year name," or ±Û ‡Ò ] nien hao [nian hao].  In this case, to celebrate the victory over the Mongols, his reign was known as the period of "overwhelming military prowess," or Hung-wu [HŠngwu Ç ‰² ].  Again according to the conventions of English usage, we refer to the individual who ruled during this period as "The Hung-wu Emperor."(4)

Getting a clear understanding of dates in Chinese history can be particularly tricky for two reasons:


The Chinese did not date years from any single starting point;(5) instead, the convention was to give the number since the start of the current year-name, or nien hao.  For example, Ch'ien-lung [Qianlong] 41/5/19 would indicate the 19th day of the 5th lunar month of the 41st year of the Ch'ien-lung Emperor's reign (corresponding to 4 July 1776).

During the Ming and Ch'ing [Qing] dynasties (1368/1644/1911), each emperor kept the same nien hao throughout his entire reign, for which later historians are deeply grateful.  However, in earlier dynasties, nien hao were frequently changed during a single emperor's reign.

The traditional system is still reflected on Taiwan, where each year is known officially as the nth year of the Republic (counting from the 1911 revolution), so add [19]11 to ¢ ¤¯    Min-kuo dates to get the Western equivalent. Months and days, however, follow the Western solar format. Since its founding in 1949, the People's Republic has used the Western method of counting years, overlooking the system's Western and Christian origins in favor of its international applicability.

1. Compare the following examples for transliterating the sentence: "Do you plan to live in Shanghai? –ð –Ä –÷¤ Ó ¬ Žú )  [third-tone vowels are not marked in PY & Yale, due to the limitations of currently available fonts]

W-G: Ni3 hsiang3 chu4 tsai4 Shang4 Hai3 ma?
PY: Ni xiang zhù zài Shànghai ma?
Yale: Ni syang jù dzài Shànghai ma?
GR: Nii sheang juh tzay Shanqhae .ma?
For a comparison of different systems, see Anderson, Olov Bertil. A Concordance to Five Systems of Transcription for Standard Chinese. (Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur, 1970) [PL 1185 .A48]
2. The fact that the Library of Congress has elected to stay with the Wade-Giles system is not due to any willful deviation from this standard, but merely reflects the astronomical cost of altering all its catalogues.

3. Under these circumstances, it only generates more confusion to use the English terms of "last" and "first" names.

4. If we were to use this system in the United, the parallel usages would be: "President Franklin Roosevelt," but "The 'New Deal' President;" or "President Lyndon Johnson," but "The 'Great Society' President."

5. Unlike the Christian system of dating years from the birth of Christ, or the Moslem system of counting from the Hegira.