In studying for the spring semester's map quiz, keep at hand at least three things:
On the day of the map quiz (indicated in your syllabus), you will be given a map similar to the blank available on Blackboard. It will have the boundaries of provinces, regions, and independent municipalities marked, and cities will be indicated by a dot. Each province and city will have a number associated with it.
You will also be given a list of thirty place-names, cited exactly(1) as printed on the initial hand-out, each followed by a blank. Do this for all thirty, even though can get a 100 by answering only twenty-five correctly. Next, go through your list of answers and mark the five least secure answers with a question-mark. An incorrect "secure" response can be partly compensated for by a correct "insecure" response. And, those who get all 30 correct will earn a score of 101.
The main purpose of this exercise is to make sure that you have an active familiarity with the geography of China. Therefore, any student ending up with a grade lower than a certain minimum (announced after the quiz has been corrected) is urged to schedule a make-up quiz. Students can take the make-up as many times as necessary, until the end of reading period. Your retake grade will be multiplied by that announced minimum, taken as a percentage; i.e.,, with an announced minimum of 88, a 100 on the retake gets you a final score of 88, while 88 on the retake gets you a 77.1That is, the name will be given in the Pinyin transliteration spelling, followed by any alternate spellings (e.g., Wade-Giles or 19th century Post Office) . The test will also show Chinese characters, but you will not get the identifying descriptions of cities or the association of capitals with their provinces.