History of China - 13C
Student Papers
as of: 18 Sep 13
Student |
Paper title / [topic] |
The Evolution of Ancient China's Defensive Strategic Warfare |
Declining World Domination / The Treasure Fleet: Exploration of the Other |
{audit} |
What Caused the Shift in Thought between Confucius and Mozi? |
Confucius: From Exile to Immortalization |
Zhuge Liang: Impact on Shu Han in [the] Three Kingdoms Period |
The Fantastic Female Figure of the Far East Giant [Empress Wu] |
Empress Wu and the Legitimization of a Female Emperor |
[Kublai Khan] |
Language and Geopolitics: The Origins and Evolution of Ancient Chinese Society |
The Spread of Buddhism in China |
Marriage in the Mongol Court |
The Duality of the Dao |
Dissemination of Chinese Culture into Korea |
Gender Politics in Confucian China: the Case Study of Empress Wu Zetian |
Significance of Daily Matters from Oracle Bone Remnants |
Wu Zetian: A Struggle Against Male Dominance |
Turkic People in Chinese History: A Shared Heritage and Culture |
[creation of Chan Buddhism in the Song] |
The An Shi Disturbances and the Tang Dynasty's Decline |
{???} |
China's Sphere of Influence |
{audit} |
{audit} |
{???} |
Social Class and Wealth in Imperial China: A Multi-Dynasty Comparison |
Tang Poetry: What Can It Tell Us? |
Cantonese China: The Southern Han |
China in the Global Economy |
[power division in imperial China] |
On the Ming Eunuchs and Commerce |
The Back Door or the Front: Which was Left Open for the Mongols? |