In order to give me a sense of what each student is bringing to the class in terms of life experiences and connections to larger historical events, please write a short (2-3 pp.) essay covering the following topics:
This paper should be in "standard" format -- i.e., double-spaced and paginated, with your name and date at the top. Unlike every other assignment this semester, however, you do not need to print this one out or UL it to Canvas Instead, please just send it to panjiaoshou@gmail.com (my preferred account, since @georgetown.edu gets clogged with administrivia) as an email attachment (in DOC, not in PDF or Google Docs, format)—I'll then add your photo from Canvas and print it all out.
While this assignment will not be graded, you may ask me if you'd like to get some feedback in terms of assessing your clarity of expression.
In addition to this assignment, I'll still need for you to fill out and send me a biodata form (which I will send you as a Google Form), to keep my own database up-to-date. Thanks!